
In the past five years enormous progress has been made in the ab initio calculations of the optical response of electrons in semiconductors. The calculations include the Coulomb interaction between the excited electron and the hole left behind, as well as local field effects. However, they are performed under the assumption that the atoms occupy fixed equilibrium positions and do not include effects of the interaction of the lattice vibrations with the electronic states (electron–phonon interaction). This interaction shifts and broadens the energies at which structure in the optical spectra is observed, the corresponding shifts being of the order of the accuracy claimed for the ab initio calculations. These shifts and broadenings can be calculated with various degrees of reliability using a number of semiempirical and ab initio techniques, but no full calculations of the optical spectra including electron–phonon interaction are available to date. This article discusses experimental and theoretical aspects of the renormalization of optical response functions by electron–phonon interaction, including both temperature and isotopic mass effects. Some of the theoretical techniques used can also be applied to analyze the renormalization of other response functions, such as the phonon spectral functions, the lattice parameters, and the elastic constants.

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