
The performance of biological activated carbon (BAC) and magnetic ion exchange resin (MIEX) has been evaluated for the removal of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in secondary wastewater effluent (SWWE). Their effectiveness was analyzed both individually and in combination. BAC removed DON up to 42%, while MIEX appeared to be relatively better and removed up to 60%. Their effectiveness was further investigated using their combinations. Result showed that MIEX followed by BAC treatment provided no further removal of DON but complete removal of DON was observed on reversing the combination order (BAC/MIEX). Further analysis showed that although BAC offers less DON removal, it has an ability to produce amenable DON fraction. When BAC is followed by MIEX treatment, there is an availability of additional MIEX-amenable DON to be removed by subsequent MIEX treatment. This particular mechanism remains unexploited upon reversing the combination (MIEX/BAC). As a result, BAC/MIEX combination order appeared to be more effective than MIEX/BAC combination order for the removal of DON from SWWE.

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