
The article presents a conceptual analysis of religious-pedagogical ideas of education, presented in the creative heritage of teachers of Poltava Institute of Public Education, and identifies three directions in the study of this issue: church-patristic (Sagarda M.I.), philosophical-religious (Chalenko I.Y.) and the historical-Christian (Parkhomenko V.O).It is established that a representative of the church-patristic direction recognized the undisputed authority of the "Fathers of the Church" by reverend John the Theologian, St. John Chrysostom, Irenaeus of Lyons, St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory the Wonderworker in the education of the younger generation. In addition, it is proved that the positive result of the acquisition of Christian virtues by a pupil can be ensured by the fulfillment of the following requirements: there must be spiritual inner affinity between the tutor and the pupil, unobstructed communication, a perfect expression of which is love, and systematic study of theological literature due to which it is possible to understand religious doctrine, and subsequently embrace Christian virtues.It was determined that in the religious-pedagogical plane the central issue of the study was the category "Christian morality", which according to the representative of the direction did not actually feel the influence of the ethics of Greco-Roman moral philosophers. The most characteristic features of the "educational ideal" - the true Christian, as a moral and psychological type, namely self-affirmation, activity and moral virtues, corresponding to the heart-willed type, have been established. It is stated that for the representatives of the historical-Christian direction the main thesis was the historical value of the new religion for the further civilization progress. It follows that Christianity was considered not so much a "religion of teachings" but as a necessary prerequisite that brought Byzantine educational and upbringing heritage and Bulgarian-Slavic writing into Old Russian pedagogy.

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