
Background The most important role of pipeline transport in hydrocarbon raw materials supply to the countries of near and far abroad is obvious and is the subject not only of scientific and economic researches, but also of political research. The interest of Russia and China in the development of bilateral mutually beneficial relations in the field of production, transportation and consumption of energy resources is obvious. First of all, it is oil and gas pipeline transport. The East Siberia - Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline has been built and is successfully operating. Construction of the Siberia-1 Power Pipeline (Eastern route) is being completed. The leaders of our countries V. Putin and Xi Jienping have indicated the design and construction of the Siberian-2, or Altai Power Pipeline (Western route). The liquefied natural gas and oil transportation by new ice class ships across the Arctic Ocean (Northern Route) is very promising for the near future. An important object of cooperation is the construction completion of the Amur Gas Processing Plant, which will supply helium and processed gas to China. Our countries also have long-term agreements for the construction of new power plants in Russia to meet the needs of the northern regions of China. Aims and Objectives To study the current state of pipeline transport in Russia and China, to identify existing problems and to propose ways of their solution, which allow to significantly increase the reliability and safety of pipelines, to review promising ideas in the field of diagnostics and repair of linear part of pipelines, to offer recommendations for further research and implementation of scientific innovations. Results There have been developed a scientific and technical concept of increasing the reliability and safety of oil and gas transport from Russia to China, presented the directions of this concept, a list of problems to be solved. These decisions assume high efficiency of technical and organizational measures for application of modern technologies for pipeline systems construction and operation. The concept ensures rational use of natural resources, creation of diagnostic and control systems for facilities, design and construction at the global level, as well as environmental protection, improvement of environmental conditions of pipeline transport facilities and increase of environmental safety of the population.

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