
The reliability of analog integrated circuits becomes a major concern for the semiconductor industry as technology continuously scales. Among the many contributing factors, manufacturing process induced parameter variations and lifetime operational-condition-dependent transistor aging are two major hurdles limiting the reliability of analog circuits. Process variations mainly influence the parametric yield value of the fresh circuits, while transistor aging due to physical effects, such as Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) and Hot Carrier Injection (HCI), will cause another yield loss during circuit lifetime. In the past decades, the two issues were mainly studied separately by various communities, but analog designers nowadays need an accurate yet efficient method to analyze and optimize their circuits during the design phase, to ensure a more robust design tolerant of such joint effects.This paper proposes an efficient method for sizing of analog circuits for reliability. It is based on the analysis and optimization of the fresh worst-case distance value for each circuit performance, which can be used to characterize the robustness of circuits considering process variations and aging effects in terms of x-sigma. The fresh and aged sizing rules as well as the maximum area constraints are checked during the optimization. The trade-off between the circuit lifetime and the price we pay in terms of layout area is studied in detail. According to the result of this trade-off analysis, a longer circuit lifetime requires more total area to be spent in layout, and designers can ensure the circuit robustness with certain layout area consumption.

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