Recent trends in the photovoltaic (PV) technology industry are moving towards utilizing bifacial PV panels. Unlike traditional PV panels, bifacial PV panels can yield energy from both sides of the panel. Manufacturers specify that bifacial PV panels can harness up to 30% more energy than traditional PV panels. Hence, bifacial PV panels are becoming a common approach at low solar irradiance conditions to yield more energy. However, a bifacial PV panel increases PV inverter loading. The PV inverter is the most unreliable component in the entire PV system. This results in a negative impact on PV system reliability and cost. Hence, it is necessary to anticipate the inverter’s reliability when used in bifacial PV panels. This paper analyzes the reliability, i.e., lifetime, of PV inverters, considering both monofacial and bifacial PV panels for the analysis. Results showed that the increase in bifacial energy yield could significantly affect PV inverter reliability performance, especially in locations where the average mission profile is relatively high.
In recent years, the use of photovoltaic (PV) panels experienced a fast growth rate, reducing their costs and increasing the utilization of renewable energy in the power grid
An IGW30N60H3 IGBT manufactured by Infineon was considered as the power switch in the PV inverter
The full-bridge PV inverter consisted of four IGW30N60H3 IGBTs rated at 600 V/30 A each
The use of photovoltaic (PV) panels experienced a fast growth rate, reducing their costs and increasing the utilization of renewable energy in the power grid. The bifacial PV panel yields more energy in off-peak periods. This requires the PV inverter to function at nearly the rated power for a more significant period as compared to the traditional panel. Manufacturers including LONGi, Trina solar, LG, Silfab, etc., started manufacturing bifacial PV panels and reported a 30% increase in energy yield. By the end of August 2019, approximately twenty countries had installed bifacial PV panels; Energies 2022, 15, 170. TThhiiss ppaappeerr aannaallyyzzeess tthhee rreelliiaabbiilliittyy ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ooff ccrriittiiccaall ccoommppoonneennttss iinn tthhee PPVV iinnvveerrtteerr,, ii..ee..,, ppoowweerr ddeevviicceess ((IInnssuullaatteedd GGaattee BBiippoollaarr TTrraannssiissttoorr--IIGGBBTT)),, aatt bbootthh tthhee ccoommppoonneenntt lleevveell aanndd tthhee ssyysstteemm lleevveell. The mathematical expression for case temperature (Tc) is given by TC = Ta + Zth(c−h) + Zth(h−a) ∗ PT (2). Where f is the switching frequency, and Eon and Eoff represent the turn-on and turn-off loss of the IGBT, respectively
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