
Legislation No.5 Year 1960 about Agrarian promises to treat the land for fulfilling basic need and pros- perity improvement of nationals, and also build nation (energy) power. The State of Indonesia has authority to do many such planning, using and determining the distribution of land for pursuing the greatest wealthy to individually and collectively, and building the nation and state power. Indonesia citizen can have a right to land determined by state regulation or derived from adat law. Factually, the land tends to accumulate in the hand of conglomerates, causes the chance of individually using the sufficient land to be hindered. In this rese- arch, the provisions about farming production factor was researched in legal normative method with question ‘in what extend the provision of production factor of farming in legislation could be realized’. The result of the research, the provision itself not much implementing, one of causes is that the provision not so strong enough for selfcompleting its task. One policy to redistributing land in accordance with more fair manner should be done/considered immediately by government to heal the condition.Kata Kunci: Realibilitas, Ketentuan lahan produksi, Hak perorangan atas tanah; ketentuan faktor produksi pertanian; kemakmuran sebesar-besarnya.


  • Year 1960 about Agrarian promises to treat the land for fulfilling basic need and prosperity improvement of nationals, and build nation power

  • Indonesia citizen can have a right to land determined by state regulation or derived from adat law

  • The land tends to accumulate in the hand of conglomerates, causes the chance of individually using the sufficient land to be hindered

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Kerangka Konsepsional Dan Teoretis

Dalam perbedaan filsafat dan ideal politik pada pendogmatikan hukum positif (berprimasi individual, komunal) dapat membawa antinomis pada ketentuan faktor produksi. Perkembangan keamanan, ikhwal urusan telah bergeser pada kehidupan manusia sehari-hari dengan bentangan kebutuhan dan pekembangannya.[18] Bercermin pada perkembangan konstitusional demikian, bahwa ketahanan negara mesti dibentuk juga terefleksi dari ketahanan rakyatnya yang berkelanjutan secara permanen. Negara hukum diungkapkan dalam pembukaan dan pasal UUD Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, dilanjutkan dengan hak dasar warga negara di bidang ekonomi, dan kesejahteraan umum. Ketegangan antara bentuk dan fungsi menjadi sangat besar bahwa masyarakat membentuk hukum baru, dan proses yang sama mulai kembali. E. Akomodasi keseimbangan kepentingan 1) Menurut Radbruch, teori (filsafat) berfungsi mengklarifikasi nilai-nilai hukum dan postulat-postulatnya hingga fundamental filsafat terdalam[23].Obsesi umum, kualitas kesejahteraan atau kemakmuran yang berbasis Pancasila bukan lipservice.

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