
High sugar level in human blood is injurious to human body and causes damage of organs and blood vessels. This paper presents electrolysis of blood of seven subjects having different sugar levels to co-relate the values of current and their falling (decreasing) categories with blood sugar level. It is seen that current passing through blood decays exponentially with time. For subjects having highest blood sugar, the current gets higher value (magnitude) and the curve falls slowly as well as margins with zero axes later. And subjects whose blood sugar levels are lowest compared with others, the current falls sharply & merges with the zero axes sharply too. The result is justified by least squares fit method. Current vs. time characteristics curves from measurement and from least square fit is approximately same. This study indicated that, blood sugar level could be incorporated with exponential form of current through electrolysis. Then a new way can be found to predict about the blood sugar level and other diseases related to blood.

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