
The article deals with normative legal acts that regulate the sphere of public relations regarding the protection of the rights of police officers to respect for their activities during the performance of official duties. Modern experience of legal regulation of protection against insults etc. of police officers in Poland, France, Germany and other European countries is presented. The conditional division of all normative legal acts that regulate the sphere of public relations regarding the protection of the rights of police officers to respect for their activities during the performance of official duties into three main groups is indicated (the first group includes international legal acts and normative legal acts of national legislation ; the second group includes normative legal acts of national legislation that provide for administrative responsibility for the violation of the specified rights of police officers, and the third group includes acts that provide for criminal liability for the violation of the specified rights). The article also talks about the existence of gaps in Ukrainian legislation regarding sanctions for disrespecting and insulting police officers while performing their official duties. It is emphasized that currently in Ukraine, the issue of protecting police officers from harassment, insults, etc. on the Internet, in social networks, on the punishment for creating video or other content on the Internet that offends the honor and dignity of police officers, the National Police of Ukraine as a state institution. The study also emphasizes that civil society has the duty to help policemen in every possible way, not only morally, but also physically, to perform their official duties, and the state must create all the conditions for the formation of favorable psychological and other conditions of service for policemen..

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