
The article is devoted to the theoretical-applied analysis of organizational, legal and management mechanisms for ensuring the educational process in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. The authors of the article emphasize that Ukraine faced a number of key problems in terms of ensuring the further implementation of the educational process in the conditions of war, in particular: ensuring the safety of the educational process in the conditions of an air alert; the support of the emotional and psychological state of participants of educational process; providing the access to high-speed Internet and gadgets capable of supporting the relevant technical requirements for receiving and transmitting information; implementation of online education in conditions of dispersion of applicants for higher education in different parts of Ukraine and abroad; ensuring the restoration of destroyed and damaged educational institutions.It is indicated that, in general, the regulation and management of security issues during the period of martial law in Ukraine is aimed at ensuring physical, mental and informational security. These are the specified areas that remain the main priorities of the activity of the specialized wartime ministry in particular, through: creation of safe and flexible conditions for sustainable learning; ensuring accessibility and continuity of education regardless the security situation, resumption of scientific research; development and implementation of a complex system of psychological support and accompaniment of participants of the educational process who suffered from military actions.The article emphasizes multi-vector tasks which challenged the authorities and educators at the same time and led to the adoption of management measures and decisions of different nature regarding: reconstruction of shelters, bomb shelters and adjustment of the schedule taking into account the number of people who can be in one shelter at the same time; prompt provision of relocation of the facility to safe areas, taking measures to preserve digital information; filling distance learning systems of universities with high-quality educational materials; organization of online classes; providing access to synchronous and asynchronous online learning.The issue of ensuring information security of participants in the educational process is being investigated. The main emphasis is placed on the unique importance of the educational component, which consists of the systematic training of information security and information culture in secondary and higher educational institutions.

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