
Introduction. The regional aspect of regulating the innovative development of Ukraine's economy is an important and topical issue. The innovation potential of the regions is the main component of the effective functioning of enterprises, industries and is a basic characteristicі of their innovation. The purpose of this article is to study the components of the regulation of regional innovation development. Results. Today in Ukraine there is a rapid rise in unemployment and impoverishment of the population, which threatens significant social upheavals, so it is necessary to implement measures that can change the economic situation in the country for the better. One of such anti-crisis measures is the innovative development of regions and enterprises of the country. Regional innovation development is usually declared in many state and regional programs and projects of scientific, technical and innovative development programs. However, it was found that more than 50% of all innovative developments in Ukraine are in five regions: Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporzhizhia and Lviv regions, as well as the capital of our country, Kyiv. As for other regions of Ukraine, they are reluctant to allocate funds for the research and development, in particular Volyn, Donetsk, Rivne, Ternopil and Khmelnytsky regions. The transition of the economy to an innovative model of development in modern conditions has no alternatives, as activity in the innovation sphere is currently perhaps the most important factor in economic growth and ensuring the competitiveness of economic entities. Conclusions. Regulation of innovation development at the regional level requires the formation of an effective organizational structure of management, through which it is possible to analyze, coordinate and forecast innovation. The use of the mechanism of public-private partnership will ensure the overcoming of contradictions between public and private interests and will create a basis for attracting knowledge and experience of management. Key words: innovations, regional innovative development, innovative developments.

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