
A physical education instructor must have a variety of competencies, the content of which has been significantly expanded since the formation of 1469 UTCs in Ukraine, covering areas inhabited by thousands and even tens of thousands of inhabitants. In Ukraine, there were 783 instructors of physical culture of village and settlement councils, as well as united territorial communities. This highlights the need to justify and develop a standard that would define the requirements for advanced training of this category of professionals. The purpose of the study was to scientifically substantiate and develop a regional standard that contains requirements for advanced training of «Instructors of physical culture of village and settlement councils, united territorial communities». The developed regional standard of advanced training of physical education instructors of village and settlement councils, united territorial communities is designed to meet the requirements for long- term, short-term training and internships of this category of specialists, which must be taken into account and observed at the regional level. Particular attention in the standard was paid to the possible / expected knowledge and skills of students acquired during the business training of physical education instructors. Direct organizational and managerial activities in this area are carried out in the UTC by the relevant department (there are their names: families, youth and sports; education, culture, youth, sports and tourism; culture, youth and sports, etc.). The department may have a sector or a specialist in physical culture and sports. The community where the physical education instructor works should, on the basis of his report, make a decision on the expediency of introducing the results of professional development to the content of its activities on the development of physical culture and sports.


  • A physical education instructor must have a variety of competencies, the content of which has been significantly expanded since the formation of 1469 UTCs in Ukraine, covering areas inhabited by thousands and even tens of thousands of inhabitants

  • In Ukraine, there were 783 instructors of physical culture of village and settlement councils, as well as united territorial communities. This highlights the need to justify and develop a standard that would define the requirements for advanced training of this category of professionals

  • The developed regional standard of advanced training of physical education instructors of village and settlement councils, united territorial communities is designed to meet the requirements for longterm, short-term training and internships of this category of specialists, which must be taken into account and observed at the regional level

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Psychological theories of anxiety textbook for universities Edited by V M Asta pova SPb Peter. РЕГІОНАЛЬНИЙ СТАНДАРТ ПІДВИЩЕННЯ КВАЛІФІКАЦІЇ ІНСТРУКТОРІВ ФІЗИЧНОЇ КУЛЬТУРИ СІЛЬСЬКИХ І СЕЛИЩНИХ РАД, ОБ’ЄДНАНИХ ТЕРИТОРІАЛЬНИХ ГРОМАД Мета дослідження полягала в тому, щоб науково обґрунтувати та розробити регіональний стандарт, що містить вимоги до підвищення кваліфікації «Інструкторів фізичної культури сільських і селищних рад, об’єднаних територіальних громад».

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