
The article raises the problem of strengthening the health and improving the physical condition of children, and also scientifically substantiates the need to improve the physical development of rural youth. The methodology prepared by us for the development of the regional standard of position for the title of the best sports community, which should carefully take into account the regional specifics of the corresponding region, together with the submitted structure of indicators of the position for the best sports community of the Dnipropetrovsk region, should be considered the developed standard of the regional council's administrative impact on the development of sports in the united territorial community. In substantiating the content of the indicators, the necessity of introducing into the content of those indicators has been proved, which are basic, from the point of view of the results of activity in the field of physical culture and sports, and auxiliary, which create sufficient conditions for the development of physical culture and sports. So, the block of important auxiliary indicators in the standard includes: financial resources; ensuring favorable material and technical conditions for the development of sports; provision of sports personnel; - organizational measures for the development of sports. The block of actual results of activity in physical culture and sports includes: - mass physical culture and sports and physical culture and health improvement work; development of effective sports and preparation of sports reserves. The study made it possible to determine the objectively existing requirements for the content of the indicators of the standard "Regional regulation on the best sports community" in terms of stimulating both physical culture and health-improving and sports work in the united territorial communities among children and youth.


  • Ключевые слова: стандарт, управление, развитие физической культуры и спорта, объединенные территориальные общины, положения, спортивная община, показатели развития

  • The article raises the problem of strengthening the health and improving the physical condition of children, and scientifically substantiates the need to improve the physical development of rural youth

  • The methodology prepared by us for the development of the regional standard of position for the title of the best sports community, which should carefully take into account the regional specifics of the corresponding region, together with the submitted structure of indicators of the position for the best sports community of the Dnipropetrovsk region, should be considered the developed standard of the regional council's administrative impact on the development of sports in the united territorial community

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Ключевые слова: стандарт, управление, развитие физической культуры и спорта, объединенные территориальные общины, положения, спортивная община, показатели развития. Що результати дослідження фізичного стану й рухової активності сільських школярів 7-10 років свідчать про наступне. Більшість показників фізичної підготовленості дітей, які проживають у сільській місцевості згідно з Державною системою тестів України [5], відповідають низькому і нижче середнього рівням розвитку, що свідчить все ж про недостатню ефективність підходів до змісту та організації фізичного виховання молодших школярів в умовах сільських загальноосвітніх шкіл.

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