
The paper deals with multicriterial decision making methods and models of regional planning. To this aim multicriteria decision model which integrates aspects of natural environment and economy, as well as, labour market of Szczecin Province (Poland) is presented. This model incorporates three submodels: _ economic submodel submodel of labour market submodel of environment. These submodels can be formally treated as linear, static and multicriteria model form. Criteria describe gross national product (GNP) in region, unemployment in region and degradation of natural environment ( the last two criteria are minimised).To get efficient model solutions, the interactive method DIDAS-L has been chosen. The developed model comprises 23 decision variables and 23 constraints. The decision variables include: output of production and services in region, employment and its changes and investments. Efficient solutions forecasting possible scenarios of economy, charges and fines for degradation of environment. Results of the model has been implemented in Szczecin Region.

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