
Relevance. The Russian economy is steadily moving towards digitalization. The corona virus epidemic caused a rapid pace of digitalization, accelerated the processes of automation and digitalization of the economy and social life of society.These objective processes have led to the need to access the IT labor market in order to identify trends in meeting the sharply increased demand of companies for IT specialists.The purpose of the study to assess the current situation and problems that have developed in the labor market of the Kursk region in the field of supply and demand of IT specialists.The objectives were to assess: the job market in the region, the requests and proposals of employers; the structure of vacancies; activity and portrait of applicants.Methodology. The research methodology is based on system, resource and process approaches. Traditional methods for theoretical and applied research were used - statistical analysis, indexing of information, comparison, generalization. The research material was statistical data of the federal all-Russian database of vacancies and summaries of the labor market of IT specialists.Results. Analyzed and systematized the data of the Internet recruitment portal Bounty Hunter (based on the parsing of resumes and vacancies). The analysis of the composition and structure of this part of the labor market is carried out, the indicators of supply and demand on it are compared. Studies have revealed a significant imbalance of supply and demand in the regional labor market in the IT sector, including in terms of employee specialization. There is a significant difference in professional specialization in the offers of applicants and in vacancies of potential employers.Conclusions. The demand for IT specialists has grown significantly. The lack of personnel is the main obstacle to the accelerated development of the IT sector of the region's economy. It is possible to eliminate the imbalance between supply and demand by implementing the following measures: targeted training of IT specialists for the real needs of employers; organization of additional professional education with a specific specialization; improvement of the external HR brand of companies and motivation of IT specialists.

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