
The concept for the development of the Center of Excellence in Poultry Science at the University of Arkansas originated January through April, 1990. This development was accomplished by the Strategic Planning Council chaired by R. H. Forsythe, which was comprised of prominent members of the poultry industry, allied industries, government officials, and University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. One of the guiding principles that was integral to this development process was the recognition by the administration of the University of Arkansas that prioritization of program resources is essential to achieving program excellence. It is no longer possible to be everything to all parties. We must determine where program need and program support can be complementary. The Arkansas poultry industry (broilers, turkeys, eggs) accounts for almost one-half (45%) of total agricultural income and provides employment for 1 of every 12 people in the state. Clearly, the opportunity for developing a program of excellence at the University of Arkansas with the greatest potential for success was in Poultry Science. The vision for the development of the Center encompassed the needs for providing research in poultry science, education in poultry science, technology transfer in poultry science, and continuing education for industry professionals through extension education. These needs were to be addressed in a comprehensive program that provides these services for all components of the industry from primary breeder companies through integrator companies involved in production, processing, and marketing, including the allied industries, and ultimately the consumers of poultry products. In order to achieve the desired recognition as a regional center it was essential to recognize that our mission is to provide the research and education needs required to support today’s poultry industry, which is in reality a food industry.

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