
The article reveals the relevance and necessity of studying the regional aspect and artistic and pedagogical activities of masters of painting in Poltava region. The essence of the categories «artistic and pedagogical activity,» «regional aspect of the artistic and pedagogical activity,» and «a master of painting» is clarified. In the context of the chosen topic, the creative path and works of famous masters of painting of the 20th century and today Valerii Mozok, Pavlo Volyk, Volodymyr Bernaskyi, Volodymyr Mazur, Pavlo Horobets, Mykola Pidhornyi, Maryna Rozhniatovska, Denys Horodnychyi, Yurii Zhurka, Oleksandr Tarasenko, Viktor Babenko are considered. Attention is also paid to the forms of pedagogical activity of masters of painting. It was determined that not all masters chose the teaching path. Thus, Maryna Rozhniatovska and Mykola Pidhornyi have no official teaching experience but have conducted a significant number of master classes, sharing their knowledge and skills from their own practical experience.
 On the basis of the results of the research on the artistic and pedagogical activity of masters of painting in Poltava region, the expediency of studying and popularization of their creativity by future specialists in institutions of higher education is proved. In particular, at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, where the creative work of masters of painting in Poltava region is integrated into the disciplines, i. e., at the Faculty of Technology and Design «Drawing and Basics of composition» in specialty 014.10 Secondary education (Labor training and technology) and «Drawing and Painting» specialty 015.00 Professional education (Design); at the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy «Academic Painting,» «Painting» specialty 014.12 Secondary education (Fine Arts).
 It is concluded that the material presented by the authors of the article confirms the importance of the regional aspect of artistic activity of masters of painting in Poltava region, which has ample opportunities for the development and implementation of new creative ideas, in particular in the educational environment. The integration of the creative work of masters of painting in Poltava region in the content of artistic disciplines at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University is crucial.

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