
The present study seeks to identify the social and environmental conflicts that are active and latent in the Arequipa Region in the present AF-2022.The prospective phase was used to build and describe images of the future, in order to reduce uncertainty. The purpose is to explore, create and test alternative scenarios to manage risk in the future.It can be perceived that there is a relationship between illegal activities in the Arequipa Region with environmental problems, in addition to the situation of conflict in the region; a history of corruption in previous conflicts can be evidenced, which has increased due to acts of corruption by public officials, likewise it can be seen that these issues are related to social conflicts in the region and with activities that affect the environment ambient.Corruption aggravates the situation of social conflicts and pushes the population to violence, the regions and localities with the highest rates of corruption should be monitored, as well as the presence of political actors with extreme pro-violent ideologies. The IIAA and the PNP must anticipate actions through adequate intelligence and the management of essential resources for their actions. Regarding the presence of criminal organizations and gangs, work must be done in coordination with the Public Ministry, in order to neutralize them.

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