
To demonstrate the gastrointestinal survival of Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota (LcS) in healthy Vietnamese adults, a fermented milk drink containing LcS was administered daily for 14 days. Twenty-six healthy Vietnamese adults took part in the study. Each participant consumed 65 mL of a fermented milk drink containing LcS daily for 14 days. The drink contained a dose of 10 8 CFU/mL LcS. Fecal samples were collected before, during and after consuming the fermented milk drink. LcS was confirmed by culture and ELISA. After 7 and 14 days of ingesting fermented milk drink, LcS was recovered from fecal samples at average of 5.0×10 7 CFU/g feces (n=26) and 5.4×10 7 CFU/g feces (n=26), respectively. LcS persisted in 8 voluteers until day 42 (after 14 days stopping fermented milk drink) at 0.0033×10 7 CFU/g feces (n=8). We confirmed survival of LcS after passage through the gastrointestinal tract of Vietnamese adults.

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