
Recent Journal Articles Wendy A. Swik U.S. Military Academy Library The bibliography is compiled by the systematic search of approximately four hundred periodicals, a check of several general journal bibliographies, and the welcomed contribution of interested subscribers. Many times older citations will be included simply because the compiler had not come across them earlier or, more frequently, because the periodicals are behind publication schedule. Those wishing to be assured of having their articles listed in this section are urged to notify the compiler. References should include the following: author(s), full title (including subtitle), name of periodical, volume number, issue date, and pagination. Address all contributions to Wendy Swik, Military Affairs Librarian, U.S.M.A. Library, West Point, NY 10996–1799. General Military Affairs Meilinger, Phillip S. "Busting the icon: restoring balance to the influence of Clausewitz." Strategic Studies Quarterly 1 (Fall 2007): 116-145. Reid, Richard J. "Revisiting primitive war: perceptions of violence and race in history." War & Society 26 (October 2007): 1-25. Stone, John. "Clausewitz's trinity and contemporary conflict." Civil Wars 9 (September 2007): 282-296. Ancient and Medieval Warfare Hanson, Victor Davis. "New light on ancient battles." MHQ: Quarterly Journal of Military History 20 (Winter 2008): 28-35. Maddicott, J. R. "Responses to the threat of invasion, 1085." English Historical Review 122 (September 2007): 986-997. 1500-1815 Military Affairs Aaslestad, Katherine. "Republican traditions: patriotism, gender, and war in Hamburg, 1770-1815." European History Quarterly 37 (October 2007): 582-602. Aaslestad, Katherine and others. "Introduction: Gender, war and the nation in the period of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars – European perspectives." European History Quarterly 37 (October 2007): 501-506. [End Page 641] Cormack, Andrew. "Observations on the later life of Lieutenant-General the Honorable Robert Monckton and the lives of his children." Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 85 (2007): 275-285. Hagemann, Karen. "`Heroic virgins' and `bellicose amazons': armed women, the gender order and the German public during and after the anti-Napoleonic wars." European History Quarterly 37 (October 2007): 507-527. Hopkin, David. "Sieges, seduction and sacrifices in Revolutionary War: the `Virgins of Verdun', 1792." European History Quarterly 37 (October 2007): 528-547. Randall, Willard Sterne. "The first American victory." MHQ: Quarterly Journal of Military History 20 (Winter 2008): 64-73. Showalter, Dennis. "European power projection." MHQ: Quarterly Journal of Military History 20 (Winter 2008): 46-55. Tone, John Lawrence. "A dangerous Amazon: Augustine Zaragoza and the Spanish Revolutionary War, 1808-1814." European History Quarterly 37 (October 2007): 548-561. 1816-1869 Military Affairs Crowther, C. P. "Was the Anaconda Plan the blueprint for Union victory in the American Civil War?" British Army Review (Autumn 2007): 70-76. Dawson, Joseph G. III. "Leaders for manifest destiny: American volunteer colonels serving in the U.S. – Mexican War." American Nineteenth Century History 7 (June 2006): 253-279. Legan, Marshall Scott. "Hang by the neck until dead': the trial and hanging of a member of the 22nd Texas Cavalry." Military History of the West 37 (2007): 55-68. Logue, Larry M. and Peter Blanck. "`Benefit of the doubt': African-American Civil War veterans and pensions." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 38 (Winter 2008): 377-399. Sears, Stephen W. "Building the Army of the Potomac." MHQ: Quarterly Journal of Military History 20 (Winter 2008): 74-83. Skelton, William B. "The commanding generals and the question of civil control in the antebellum U.S. Army." American Nineteenth Century History 7 (June 2006): 153-172. Sodergren, Steven E. "Exercising restraint: military responses to Southern sentiment in California during the Civil War." Military History of the West 37 (2007): 1-27. Watson, Samuel J. "How the Army became accepted: West Point socialization, military accountability, and the nation-state during the Jacksonian era." American Nineteenth Century History 7 (June 2006): 219-251. Wells, David S. "Fact versus fiction: examples from the Indian Mutiny." Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 85 (2007): 292-299. Wettemann, Robert P., Jr. "A part or apart: the alleged...

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