
Part 1 Language and meaning: the thought - a logical inquiry, Gottlob Frege excerpt from The Blue and Brown Books, Ludwig Wittgenstein translation and meaning, Willard Van Orman Quine Utterer's meaning and intentions, Paul Grice truth and meaning, Donald Davidson what model-theoretic semantics cannot do, Ernest Lepore what is a theory of meaning? Nichael Dummett elucidations of meaning, James Higginbotham knowledge of meaning and theories of truth, Richard K. Larson and Gabriel Segal. Part 2 Logical form and grammatical form: some remarks on logical form, Ludwig Wittgenstein the logical form of action sentences, Donald Davidson semantic structure and logical form, Gareth Evans deep structure as logical form, Gilbert Harman logical form as a level of linguistic representation, Robert May. Part 3 Definite and indefinite descriptions: descriptions, Bertrand Russell on referring, Peter F. Strawson reference and definite descriptions, Keith S. Donnellan speaker's reference and semantic reference, Saul A. Kripke context and communication, Stephen Neale referential and quantificational indefinites, Janet Dean Fodor and Ivan A. Sag indefinite descriptions - in defense of Russell, Peter Ludlow and Stephen Neale. Part 4 Names: on sense and reference, Gottlob Frege proper names, John R. Searle reference and proper names, Tyler Burge lecture II of Naming and Necessity, Saul A. Kripke the causal theory of names, Gareth Evans. Part 5 Demonstratives: truth and demonstratives, Scott Weinstein dthat, David Kaplan Frege on demonstratives, John Perry understanding demonstratives, Gareth Evans individuation and the semantics of demonstratives, Martin Davies. Part 6 Attitude reports: the method of intention, Rudolph Carnap on synonymy and indirect discourse, Israel Scheffler vagaries of reference, Willard Van Orman Quine on saying that, Donald Davidson opacity and scope, Barbara Partee sententialist theories of belief, Stephen Schiffer a puzzle about belief, Saul A. Kripke direct reference, propositional attitude and semantic content, Scott Soames the prince and the phone booth - reporting puzzling beliefs, Mark Crimmins and John Perry interpreted logical form, Richard K. Larson and Peter Ludlow intentional transitive verbs and concealed complement clauses, Marcel den Dikken et al.

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