<p>隨著煉獄概念的廢止與為亡靈祈福彌撒小教堂的消失,人們與死者溝通的管道也隨之斷裂。死者被生者所遺忘、被社會所背棄、更被宗教所壓抑,形成了一個無以名喻的黑洞,死亡的意義在宗教改革後有著截然不同的意義。然而,英國伊莉莎白時期悲劇卻展現對死亡議題的著迷,戲劇舞台的死亡之舞乃是對當時社會與死者疏離的文化回應。</p> <p>本文聚焦《哈姆雷》的鬼魂與死者,檢視本劇如何再現死亡的意涵。鬼魂的出現讓受壓抑的慾望、無法言喻的情感、或隱匿的罪行浮現,以上種種正是溢出符號系統的剩餘物。從精神分析理論的角度來看,鬼魂重返人間象徵真實層的回訪。劇場不斷且頻繁的在舞台上展演死亡之舞,或可視為對缺席的死者一種文化回應,更是用以填補上述空缺的表徵。哈姆雷國王的鬼魂在與王子道別時,叮囑兒子要記得父親。以英國早期現代的宗教觀點而言,「記得死者」意味「為死者的亡靈得以安息而禱告」,鬼魂的要求緊繫於煉獄的神話,同樣的,新冠肺炎期間對死亡的壓抑,種種隔離措施讓生者與死者無法道別、臨終儀式一切就簡,生者或創傷、或罪咎,生與死皆無從獲得安慰,尋求某種版本的「煉獄」或可讓人們從禱告或自我寬恕中得到慰藉,從而得以超脫自責與愧疚的深谷。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>Since the abolition of Purgatory and the dissolution of the chantries in England, the significance of death has changed significantly due to the disruption of communication with the dead: they are forgotten, repressed, or betrayed. However, Elizabethan revenge tragedy, particularly Hamlet, displays a morbid obsession with death. These dances of death on the early modern stage respond to the absence caused by the era&rsquo;s alienation from the deceased. Considering the sweeping impact of COVID pandemic, I draw parallel and reassess the religious and cultural importance and impact of death. Psychoanalytically, the Ghost&rsquo;s visit symbolizes the return of the real. Upon departing, the Ghost commands Prince Hamlet to &quot;remember&quot; him, aligning with the early modern English religious view that remembering the dead means praying for their soul&rsquo;s repose. Similarly, the repression of death during the COVID pandemic demands attention. Restrictions have hindered proper farewells and rituals, causing trauma and guilt. Finding a personal &quot;purgatory&quot; to reconnect with the deceased through prayers or self-forgiveness might alleviate guilt and loss.
Published Version
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