
The relevance of the work is due to the urgent need in literary science to introduce new texts into the scientific circulation and into the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language, deepening the understanding of the phenomenon of Siberia. This study is a methodological development of classes on the analysis of a literary text in a foreign audience, which can be used in the study of Russian as a foreign language, an elective course in literary local history. The didactic material was based on the texts of the Petersburg writer N. A. Lukhmanova, living in 1800-1805 in Tyumen. Lukhmanova recreated the geopoetic image of the land in the essays “Kerzhaki in the Taiga”, “Belokrinitsky Bishop Afanasy”, “In remote places”, united under the general title “Essays from Life in Siberia” (1896). “Essays from life in Siberia” written by N. А. Lukhmanova, which are the object of this study, are written on the basis of personal experiences by the author of Western Siberia. The position of the “alien”, in which the author and his heroes are in relation to Siberia, is close to the position of foreign students who come to this region. In this regard, the artistic image of Western Siberia becomes a valuable linguodidactic material, and the texts representing this space receive a high linguoculturological potential. The novelty of the presented research is determined by the appeal to the progressive scientific methodology, interdisciplinary direction — geopoetics, which makes it possible to reveal the peculiarities of the landscape imagery of the space represented in the literary text. In the context of this methodological direction, this research has developed methodological principles and techniques for studying “Siberian” texts in a foreign audience.

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