
The article studies the consular accounts of the southern French city of Albi in the 14th–15th c. Until now, this source has not been considered in the Russian-language historical literature, however, in terms of its volume (several hundred handwritten pages) and the completeness of the contained information, it can rightfully be considered as one of the most significant for historical research concerning Southern France of the period under review. The aim of the study was to reveal the informative potential of the studied documents for urban and medieval studies. When studying the material, the comparative method, as well as the method of content analysis were used. The results establish that the information of consular accounts can be used in the study of various spheres of life of a medieval city — economic, social, political, military. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it is built on the material of a little-studied source, which is revealed from various sides.

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