
Purpose: This study aimed to examine how learners' perceptions on readiness for autonomy can bedifferent prior to and after L2 writing with project-based learning (PBL). In addition, it consideredlearners’ beliefs of motivation and language learning opportunity after project-based L2 writing.
 Methods: Thirty L2 learners at the beginner level were asked to complete two questionnaires: 1)Readiness for Learner Autonomy Questionnaire (RLAQ) to compare learner perception change in fivefactors. These were Role of teacher (RT), Role of feedback (RF), Learner independence (LI), Learnerconfidence in study ability (LCS), Experience for language learning (ELL); and 2) a debriefing questionnaireto check learner beliefs of motivation and language learning opportunity.
 Results: The results showed that overall, learners’ readiness for autonomy was significantly changedin the four factors: RT, LI, LCS, and ELL except for RF. Learner beliefs of LI, LCS and ELL weresignificantly higher in the post RLAQ, while those of RT remarkably decreased and there was nosignificant change on RF, rather with a little higher mean score in the post RLAQ. Additionally,learners showed considerably high mean scores of motivation and language learning opportunity afterthe PBL project.
 Conclusion: Project-based L2 writing could be helpful for learners to be prepared for more autonomouslearning with increased independence, confidence, and to be motivated and learn language more, whilelearners were more likely to receive feedback after PBL. The result appeared to be attributed to PBLthat promotes cooperative guidance or feedback by teacher or peers with which learners who havelimited language knowledge could check and manage the process in a desired and appropriate wayfor their own project. This can add another aspect of the benefits from PBL in L2 writing classroomcontexts. (Dankook University)

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