
Acceptance of new students at Tidar Koe Kindergarten still has several obstacles. Every year the school accepts prospective new students, but acceptance of new students is still carried out conventionally, namely using registration forms and making student reports, still using the main book as a medium for storing student data. The school website is one of them. Efforts to convey information to the public about the existence of these educational institutions. Institutional openness is needed to see current information developments. The waterfall method proposes an approach to systematic and coherent software development starting from the level of system progress, design, code, testing, and maintenance in the research process. The development of the Tidar Koe Kindergarten website is an answer to the need for an effective information system that can facilitate communication between the school and its stakeholders. The novelty of this research lies in its ability to design and develop a website tailored to the specific needs of Tidar Koe Kindergarten. Despite these research achievements, there are still several areas that require further research and development. Future research could focus on evaluating the website's effectiveness in terms of its impact on student enrollment and parent satisfaction.

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