Building or home security systems at this time are needed because there are still many security systems that can trigger crime, one of which is the use of padlock or conventional door locks and security that has not worked automatically. A security system is needed which has a high level of security and is automatic so that it does not bother users.
 Security systems are often a problem, namely the low level of security, how to use is not easy, and not automatic. The way to overcome this problem is to create a security system that has tight security, easy to use, works continuously automatically and can be connected to the user's mobile phone.
 Based on research that has been made this security system shows one of the security systems that have a high level of security because it is equipped with an infrared sensor that serves to detect the presence of humans, the camera takes pictures if the infrared sensor detects humans, a fingerprint sensor that functions as access to open the door and all The sensor works automatically and continuously and can be connected to mobile phones through the internet, this security system works well and can be relied upon.
Based on research that has been made this security system shows one of the security systems that have a high level of security because it is equipped with an infrared sensor that serves to detect the presence of humans, the camera takes pictures if the infrared sensor detects humans, a fingerprint sensor that functions as access to open the door and all The sensor works automatically and continuously and can be connected to mobile phones through the internet, this security system works well and can be relied upon
of which is the use of padlock
which has a high level of security
Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat mulai dirasakan pada berbagai aspek kehidupan salah satu diantaranya yaitu system pengamanan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dibutuhkan sesuatu yang dapat melakukan fungsi untuk mengontrol pengamanan gedung secara otomatis melalui aplikasi android, mendeteksi keberadaan orang dengan menggunakan sensor infared dan kamera, dan membuka pintu dengan sensor sidik jari. Dibawah ini adalah gambar bentuk dari modul relay yang biasa dipakai dalam perancangan alat elektronika yang menggunakan mikrokontroller. Magnetic switch ini seperti halnya sensor limit switch yang diberikan tambahan plat logam yang dapat merespon adanya magnet.Magnetic switch tersebut biasa digunakan untuk pengamanan pada pintu dan jendela. Dalam pembuatan tugas akhir rancang bangun sistem pengamanan gedungyang dikontrol melalui aplikasi android berbasis arduino ini dibutuhkan beberapa macam alat dan bahan, antara lain sebagai berikut. Perangkat keras yang digunakan sebagai bahan-bahan untuk melakukan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut Mikrokontroller Arduino Nano, Sensor Infrared tipe E18-D80NK, Sensor Sidik jari FPM10A, Webcam Logitech C270, Magnetec Sensor, Adaptor, Relay, Servo, Laptop, Handphone. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu Arduino software (Arduino IDE) , Delphi xe[8] adalah software yang digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi android yang ada pada penelitian
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