
ABSTRACT In order to prevent tampering and reverse engineering of execut ive code, this paper propose a new tamper resistant software mechanism. This paper presents a cryptographic MAC function and a relationship which has its security level derived by the importance of code block instead of by merely getting the encry ption and decryption key from the previous block. In this paper, we propose a cryptographic MAC function which generates a dynamic MAC function key instead of the hash function as written in many other papers. In addition, we also propose a relationships having high, medium and low security levels. If any block is determined to have a high security level then that block will be encrypted by the key generated by the related medium security level block. The low security block will be untouched due to efficiency considerations. The MAC function having this dynamic key and block relationship will make analyz ing executive code more difficult.Keywords: application program protection, reverse engineering, software protection, code obfuscation접수일(2012년 8월 7일), 수정일(1차: 2012년 10월 12일, 2차: 2012년 12월 24일), 게재확정일(2012년 12월 24일)* 본 연구는 방위사업청과 국방과학연구소의 지원으로 수행되었습니다.†주저자, magogos@hanmail.net‡교신저자, donghlee@korea.ac.kr

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