
Raman spectroscopy is a non-invasive, non-destructive technique for the study of the macromolecular composition of tissues. Raman spectra were obtained from intact fresh and paraformaldehyde fixed rabbit lenses and from thin slices prepared from these lenses. In addition the Raman spectrum of an intact 82-yr-old human lens was compared with a slice of the same lens. It appeared that fixation with paraformaldehyde had only a minor qualitative effect on the Raman spectra and that Raman spectra of intact lenses and lens slices were comparable. It was also shown that in the slice of the old human lens the fluorescence, due to chromophores, could be reduced so that a reliable Raman spectrum could be obtained. The use of slices improves the accuracy of the position at which Raman spectra are recorded and fixation extends the time available for Raman analysis which is particularly important for the study of human lenses. Moreover, slicing enables Raman analysis of old human lenses, which up to now was thought to be impossible due to the overwhelming fluorescence of the chromophores present in these lenses.

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