
A study of Ti laser irradiation and thin film deposition produced by an Nd:Yag pulsed laser is presented. The laser pulse, 9 ns width, has a power density of the order of 1010 W/cm2. The titanium etching rate is of the order of 1 µg/pulse, it increases with the laser fluence and shows a threshold value at about 30 J/cm2 laser fluence. The angular distribution of ejected atoms (neutrals and ions) is peaked along the normal of the target surface. At high fluence, the fractional ionization of the plasma produced by the laser is of the order of 10%. Time-of-flight measurements demonstrate that the titanium ions, at high laser fluence, may reach kinetic energies of about 1 keV. Obtained results can be employed to produce energetic titanium ions, to produce coverage of thin films of titanium and to realize high adherent titanium-substrate interfaces. The obtained results can be employed to produce energetic titanium ions, to produce a coverage of thin titanium films on polymers, and to realize highly adherent titanium–substrate interfaces.

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