
Summary : Who was Victor Henri (1872-1940) ? Victor Henri (1872-1940) was Binet's first collaborator. This article contains a short biography and a presentation ofthe work in psychology of this surprising person forgotten by history. Beginning his scientific studies at the Sorbonne, he met Théodule Ribot, and then Alfred Binet. In 1892, he began experimental work in psychology in the laboratory of physiological Psychology at the Sorbonne. Working with Binet at first in the fields of memory and suggestibility, he then chose a new subject of research : the localisation of tactual sensations. From October 1894 to March 1896, he went to Leipzig to work at Wilhelm Wundt's laboratory in order to continue his work on the tactile sense. In April 1896, he joined Georg Elias Müller's laboratory in Goettingen and submitted a thesis under his direction on this same theme, 5 June 1897. During this long period of time in Germany, Victor Henri was in contact with Binet and even became associated with the program of individual psychology brought into operation by the latter. However, in a very short space of time, Henri deserted psychology integrating in 1898 the physiological laboratory direc- ted by Dastre (1844-1916) in the Sorbonne. Under his direction he submitted a thesis in physico-chemistry (on the 20 February, 1903) before continuing an international scientific career in this field. Key words : Henri, Binet, history of psychology.

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