
The search for elliptic quantum groups leads to a modified quantum Yang–Baxter relation and to a special class of quasi-triangular quasi-Hopf algebras. This Letter calculates deformations of standard quantum groups (with or without spectral parameter) in the category of quasi-Hopf algebras. An earlier investigation of the deformations of quantum groups, in the category of Hopf algebras, showed that quantum groups are generically rigid: Hopf algebra deformations exist only under some restrictions on the parameters. In particular, affine Kac–Moody algebras are more rigid than their loop algebra quotients and only the latter (in the case of sl(n)) can be deformed to elliptic Hopf algebras. The generalization to quasi-Hopf deformations lifts this restriction. The full elliptic quantum groups (with central extension) associated with sl(n) are thus quasi-Hopf algebras. The universal R-matrices satisfy a modified Yang–Baxter relation and are calculated more or less explicitly. The modified classical Yang–Baxter relation is obtained and the elliptic solutions are worked out explicitly.

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