
The quality of lattice-matched ZnxCdyMg1−x−ySe epitaxial layers grown on (001) InP substrates with a III-V buffer layer has been improved by initially growing a ZnCdSe interfacial layer (50 Å) at low temperature. The widths of double crystal x-ray rocking curves for ZnxCdyMg1−x−ySe epilayers with band gaps as high as 3.05 eV were reduced to about 70 arcsec. The defect density evaluated from etch pit density and plan-view transmission electron microscopy measurements was reduced by two orders of magnitude, to 106–107 cm−2. The photoluminescence band edge emission became more symmetric and slightly narrower. It is proposed that an initial two-dimensional growth mode has been achieved by incorporating such a lattice-matched ZnCdSe layer.

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