
This paper is instigated by the initial theoretical interpretation of literary work by Isidora Sekulić and Vida Ognjenović and it establishes and describes their methodic interpretation within the concept of project schoolwork, thematically framed by the issues of journey, travelling and travelogue. The literary project is based on teaching the texts included in the official curriculum ("Journey to the travelogue" by V. Ognjenović, "Storms" by I. Sekulić) and expanded by introduction of literary works close in topic and genre but not included in the official curriculum ("Letters from Norway" by I. Sekulić, "Travelling is an existential problem", "Light on water" by V. Marković). The goal of the presented concept is to overcome the recorded weak spots of curricular representation of Isidora Sekulić's work and the overall genre of travelogue in middle-school grade levels through methodical intervention, as well as to motivate the students to read and understand this type of text, as part of character education that would create open mind toward the experiences of travelling and coming into contact with the other.

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