
It is necessary to establish ecological awareness in children at earliest possible age because this period of child development is considered turbulent in growth and development, a so called golden age. Family is considered to be a indispensable factor in educating an individual, it is important to explore in what measure its educational-social role contributes in raising ecological awareness. Parents used to be a dominant source of information for their children, today children often surpass their parents in level of knowledge in certain questions, including ecological questions. In forming ecological awareness family contributes more on informational level, and less in forming professional knowledge. Knowledge is acquired through systematic education. Education of children should form awareness of the need to preserve the ecological balance in the human environment and dangers to humans if it comes to its disturbance. In preschool institutions educational work is carried out according to the age of children. This work with children develops love for nature and provides basic knowledge of plants, animals, and children learn the correct attitude toward them. In preschool institutions through work schedule environmental programs are adopted as an integral part of the preschool schedule. This way, the principles of preschool upbringing and education are respected, the tasks that arise from the objectives, the contents that arise from the task and ecological activity, subsequently their realization is followed. In fact, for education to become a significant factor in developing an ecological awareness, it should include all levels of education, from preschool, through elementary and high school to University.

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