
Annotation. The article analyzes the little-studied art of the Ukrainian publishing sign, which has a history of almost fifty years and is well known for its highly artistic works. An excursion into the past of the Ukrainian publishing label has been made, collecting documents scattered across various sources of reports on samples of the publishing labels, both known and in the vast majority of unknown authors, and we pay tribute to this important cultural heritage that has developed in the course of the European process. The publishing signs of the second half of XX – beginning of XXI centuries are described and their artistic features are analyzed. The art of the Ukrainian emblem, especially in the last century, has not been practically studied. Probably, the topic is considered too small to draw enough attention. Turning pages of the book, few people pay atten- tion to the publishing house, thanks to which we have the happy opportunity to hold it. The artistic decision of modern publishing signs, which often quite often has a small font character, is not striking. They are created mainly by artists, editorial staff, without paying much attention to this process. However, there are times when they turn out to be the work of talented young artists who, over time, become famous. For example, the well-known art publishing signs for the leading Kiev publishing houses "Art" (artist V. E. Perevalsky) and "Rainbow" (artist O. I. Gubarev), created at that time by young graphic artists, who are now well-known folk artists of Ukraine. However, the art of the sign is an important component of book graphics, it does not lose its relevance at a new stage of society and deserves in-depth study.


  • The article analyzes the little-studied art of the Ukrainian publishing sign

  • which has a history of almost fifty years

  • collecting documents scattered across various sources of reports

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Загальновідомі художні видавничі знаки для провідних київських видавництв “Мистецтво” Комплексне дослідження всієї історії українського видавничого знака у подальші часи не проводилось, ним не цікавились як за радянської доби, так і в часи незалежності. 1951 року, до декади українського мистецтва і літератури, вийшло двотомне видання “Архитектура Украинской ССР”, у другому томі якого йшлося про успіхи України в галузі архітектури, а його окрасою став знак видавництва Академії архітектури.

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