
Public service innovation is important to do, given the development of today's information and technology. Online-based public service innovation is a new form of change that adapts to the times. The purpose of the research conducted is to find out how the application of the e-OPen application at the Bekasi City Population and Civil Registration Office, to find out the obstacles as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors carried out by the Bekasi City Population and Civil Registration Service. The method used in this study is qualitative, namely research methods about research that are descriptive and tend to use analysis. The results of this study explain that the E-Open application runs well and is quite optimal, as seen from the following indicators: 1) Relative advantage: The e-OPen application provides many advantages, namely making it easier for people to make population documents online, the availability of prestige to help community difficulties. 2) Compatibility: The e-OPen application is a development of the Simpaduk Application which is technologically still to the previous application because it uses almost the same tools. 3) Complexity: the level of complexity in the e-OPen application is interference with the mobile phone network which suddenly becomes unstable. 4) Possible Trial: The e-OPen application passed the trial stage in February and is being carried out in stages. 5) Ease of Observation: This e-OPen application has been proven to have more advantages or value compared to previous innovations. This innovation can be observed by all levels of society, both from government and non-government institutions, the private sector, and activist organizations.

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