
The $^{194,196,198}\mathrm{Pt}(p,{p}^{\ensuremath{'}})$ reactions have been studied at a proton energy of 35 MeV using nuclear emulsion plates and a high-resolution position-sensitive proportional counter. Approximately 45 levels were populated in each reaction. In $^{198}\mathrm{Pt}$, 38 of 44 levels to about 3.2 MeV are reported for the first time. Angular distributions from 20\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{} to 110\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{} were measured for many of these levels. Several new ${J}^{\ensuremath{\pi}}$ assignments were made using empirical shapes of transitions to well-known levels in Pt. The results for the ${J}^{\ensuremath{\pi}}={0}^{+},{2}^{+},{4}^{+} \mathrm{and} (\mathrm{for} ^{194}\mathrm{Pt}){6}^{+}$ members of the ground band and the ${2}^{+}$, ${3}^{+}$, and ${4}^{+}$ members of the quasi-$\ensuremath{\gamma}$ band were analyzed by coupled channels calculations incorporating relative transition strengths from the interacting boson approximation model. The multipole moments of the deformed optical model potential were calculated and compared to moments deduced from other studies.NUCLEAR REACTIONS $^{194}\mathrm{Pt}(p,{p}^{\ensuremath{'}})$, $^{196}\mathrm{Pt}(p,{p}^{\ensuremath{'}})$, $^{198}\mathrm{Pt}(p,{p}^{\ensuremath{'}})$, ${E}_{p}=35$ MeV; measured $\ensuremath{\sigma}({E}_{p},\ensuremath{\theta})$; deduced energies, ${J}^{\ensuremath{\pi}}$; coupled channels calculations, interacting boson approximation model; deduced optical model and deformation parameters, quadrupole and hexadecapole moments; comparisons to Coulomb excitation, ($\ensuremath{\alpha},{\ensuremath{\alpha}}^{\ensuremath{'}}$), and ($^{12}\mathrm{C}$, $^{12}\mathrm{C}$\ensuremath{'}); enriched targets, nuclear emulsion plates (7 keV FWHM) and position-sensitive proportional counter (15 keV FWHM), magnetic spectrograph.

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