
Purpose: study of many years’ power lifting trainings influence on psycho-physiological and other characteristics of students, who have affections of muscular skeletal apparatus. Material: the research covered 73 students of 18-22 yrs. Age, who have different training experience. To exclude influence of previous training on experiment’s results, researches were conducted after 2-3 days of rest. The author studied personality’s features (by T. Elers). Psychological diagnostic was conducted by methodic of M.V. Makarenko. Results: different psycho-physiological characteristics, indicators of psychological state and personality’s features were found in students, depending on their power lifting training experience. Improvement of functional and nervous power indicators under influence of systemic power lifting trainings was detected. Conclusions: it was determined that improvement of students’ sportsmanship is accompanied by noticeable improvement of practically all tested indicators.


  • It should be noted that together with studying of psycho-physiological characteristics, indicators of psychic state and personality’s features we conducted pedagogic observations over students’ behavior and their progress in education. They resulted in the fact that 4th-5th year students are better in listed above psycho-physiological indicators. They differ from 1st – 3rd year students-sportsmen by better average mark in educational process and are more assured in communication with their healthy peers

  • It should be noted that obtained in experiments results point at improvement of mental state indicators and personality’s features of students with affections of muscular skeletal apparatus in the process of many years’ power lifting trainings

  • The presented results correlate with data of some authors, prove and justify demand in working out and implementation of special extra curricular power lifting’s training methodic for students with affections of muscular skeletal apparatus, which would be based on theoretical-methodic approaches and practical experience of sportsmen-power lifters’ training

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Tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the work: to analyze dynamic of psycho-physiological characteristics, indicators of psychological state and personality’s features of students, who have affections of muscular skeletal apparatus under influence of many years’ power lifting training. As per the tasks of the research the author studied dynamic of psycho-physiological characteristics, indicators of psychological state and personality’s features of students with affections of muscular skeletal apparatus under influence of may years’ power lifting trainings.

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