
The purpose of the article is to analyze the psychological factors of spiritual development and self-realization of future psychologists at different stages of their educational and professional socialization. An empirical study was conducted with the participation of students (217 people), aged 16 to 25, who studied psychology at higher educational institutions in Ukraine. The following research methods were used in the study: "The Spiritual Potential of the Individual" by Pomytkin E., "Life meaning orientations" by Leont’ev D., "Test of Emotional Intelligence" by Hall N., "Psychological Well-Being Scale" Riff K., "Personal Differential" (as adapted in The St. Petersburg Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute), "The questionnaire of diagnostics of practical psychologist’s personality orientation type" by Danilova T., "The questionnaire for the study of the process of spiritual self-realization of learning youth" Pomytkin E.; mathematical methods for processing empirical data using the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 package (comparison of means, linear regression analysis). It was revealed that 1.4% of the respondents have a high level of spiritual potential, 32.3% - a medium high level, 65.4% - a medium low level, and 0.9% - a low level. 20.7% of respondents have a high level of self-realization of the spiritual "Self", 46.5% - a medium level, 32.7% - a low level. Based on the regression analysis of the results of an empirical study, it has been proved that there are statistically significant individual psychological factors that have a noticeable impact on the manifestations of the spiritual potential of future psychologists (in 40% of cases due to the influence of variables: emotional intelligence, meaningfulness of life, humanistic type of professional orientation, personality, personality growth, egocentric type of professional orientation and self-acceptance) and their capaсity for spiritual self-realization while studying at higher educational institutions (in 20% of cases: life orientation, cognition and self-knowledge, environmental and aesthetic values). The article substantiates the need to focus on the formation and development of the humanistic type of students’ professional orientation, to create conditions for reducing the influence of egocentric attitudes during their familiarization with professional activity, to pay attention to the development of the young people’s emotional intelligence, meaningfulness of life and positive self-acceptance, when organizing the processes of educational and professional socialization of students in the educational setting.

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