
Background: Ukraine took a major step towards promoting inclusive education by adopting a new law on education in 2017. This law guarantees the right to education for all individuals, regardless of their disabilities, and aims to enhance their socialization and educational opportunities. However, most higher education institutions require adaptation to the individual needs of individuals with special educational needs. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explore the conceptual foundations and identify practical problems in implementing the strategy for creating an inclusive educational environment in higher education institutions in Ukraine. Methods: We used document analysis as a method to identify the problems in the way of implementing the strategy for creating an inclusive educational environment in higher education institutions in Ukraine and ways to address them. Results: The results of the study of the conceptual foundations and implementation problems of inclusive education principles in higher education institutions in Ukraine showed an increasing number of individuals who require the creation of an inclusive educational environment, as well as practical problems with implementing these principles, including unprepared facilities, insufficient qualification of teaching staff, and a lack of adapted educational materials. Conclusion: The aim of inclusive education for individuals with special educational needs is to ensure full and equal access to education and to develop their potential, enabling them to function successfully in society. Inclusive education prevents the exclusion of such individuals from the educational process and creates an environment where everyone can freely express their ideas and needs, develop their potential, and receive support from teachers and other students. Keywords: inclusion, inclusive educational environment, person with special educational needs

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