
The community service initiative focused on the promotion of psychoeducational information pertaining to the evaluation and intervention strategies for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. This choice was informed by an in-depth assessment of the difficulties and needs faced by the PLA Naimata staff and therapists. The objective is to provide skills and knowledge so that the participants can handle and assess autism children in PLA Naimata Kupang effectively and efficiently. This activity employs an iterative participatory action research, starting with the stage of diagnosis and moving on to action planning based on the problem and the participant's needs. Application of action through discussions, Q&A sessions, role-playing exercises, and simulations. The community service team provided 14 participants. The results collected from the qualitative and quantitative stages demonstrate that the entire process of applying this PKM may address the difficulties of participants. The quantitative data from the first session's participant came into the good category. Then, in the second and third sessions, encounter the excellent category's answers. Mood meters and observations provide further support for and agreement with the conclusions of the quantitative data. Psycho-education regarding the assessment and treatment of individuals with autism can be recommended for widespread use by academics, practitioners, psychologists, counselors, and the government based on these findings.

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