
Communication procedure in public service academic at SLBN A Bandung City, Not all public academic know procedure. Some even made difficulties due to the stages that required the West Java Provincial Education Office first. Make a lot of academic public who repeat in making research letters conducted in SLBN A Bandung City. The uniqueness of this case study research lied in (1) the selection of research sites which are schools that provide special education for the visually impaired or previously known as the oldest extraordinary education in Southeast Asia. (2) Public Relations is not optimal in academic public services. (3) lies in a blind person who occupies the Deputy Principal for Public Relations and Advocacy in the SLBN A Bandung City. This study aims to know communication procedures in academic public services, the data in this research with qualitative approach is obtained through observation, in-depth interview, and literature study. The results showed that communication procedures in academic public services have seven procedures including Administration for PPL/PPG/KKN, Letter of Recommendation for the West Java Provincial Education Office for research, Disposition of Principals, Field Schedule Coordination, Conditioning Objects, Public Assistance by the Responsible Person / Teacher and Submitting the Activity Report

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