
In this paper, we present the phenomenon of acoustically induced transparency (AIT) and Fano resonances in one-dimensional parallel guides and symmetric/asymmetric resonators. Our proposed system contains five waveguides of lengths di (i=1–5) and two asymmetric resonators of lengths d6 and d7. This system creates discrete modes which are sensitive to the lengths of waveguides and resonators. These discrete modes are due to the interaction of the incoming acoustic waves and the Eigen modes of the waveguides and resonators. The AIT resonance appears as a maximum transmission peak stuck between two transmission zeros. On the other hand, a Fano resonance appears as a maximum transmission peak near to a zero of transmission. The theoretical results are obtained using the transfer matrix method which allows the calculation of the transmission and reflection rates. This structure can be used for acoustic wave guidance and routing applications and especially in the medical field.

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