
In recent decades, there has been a surge in interest in the design method. In many countries, it is now seen as an innovative approach to science and technology education. The article investigates a model based on the projects method that extend the capabilities of the theory in the successful fostering of students’ self-improvement and self-development; determines the main conditions of its implementation; selection criteria and its effectiveness indicators; the necessity and possibility to modernize the educational training of future specialists. The relevance of the research problem is conditional upon the fact that the transition to new educational standards, which poses new challenges for the graduate school, that provides cognitive activity and independent thinking of students and overcoming the reproductive style of learning requires an appropriate method. The project method is becoming more widespread in teaching practice, involving the solution of relevant and interesting problem for the trainees. The article identified socio-economic background of using the project method in the training system of highly qualified specialists. Basic criteria (valued attitude to the project activity; creativity in design and the performance of project activities) and indicators estimated the level in professional competence of the project activities. Identified and justified by organizational and educational conditions of using the project method, training specialist at the University. Since the traditional education system, which is based on the assignment of ready-made knowledge, reduces to the solution of theoretical and practical problems, specific algorithms and schemes, little oriented to the students self-improvement and self-development, the task of finding the effective ways to solve problems of the qualitative training of highly qualified specialists goes to a new level.

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