Context: Lacunar infarcts are small infarcts caused by occlusion of a single penetrating vessel, affecting mostly the basal ganglia, subcortical white matter and pons1. Around 20-30% of patients may progress symptoms over hours to days, and this presentation is associated with disability and poor prognosis2. Case report: A 70-year-old man with history of smoking, hypertension and a previous right occipital stroke reported right upper lip paresthesias since awakening. In 2-hours the right perioral region and his right hand were affected. After 3-hours he noted slurred speech. After 4-hours, imbalance was added to the previous symptoms. On admission, NIHSS was 4, mostly by previous left hemianopia, new right arm ataxia and cerebellar dysarthria. There were no weakness or sensory déficits. Brain MRI showed a subacute lacunar stroke in the left thalamus. Discussion: Thalamic lacunar strokes can present in a wide range of symptoms depending on the affected nuclei. The ventral posterior lateral nucleus (VPLn) and the ventral posterior medial nucleus (VPMn) carries sensory input from the contralateral body and face, respectively3. Cheiro-oral syndrome (COS) is considered a pure sensory thalamic lacunar syndrome with symptoms that affect the face, hand and/or foot, but may be accompanied by ipsilateral ataxia if the ventral lateral nucleus is also affected4 . Although classically associated with thalamic ischemic lesions, there are descriptions of hemorrhagic strokes5 and multiple different affected regions presenting as COS, including brainstem5 , internal capsule6 , operculum7 , cortex8 , corona radiata9 and thalamus10. Early recognition and diagnosis is essencial to institute adequate early treatment and secondary prophylaxis.
Capsaicin is able to induce mast cell degranulation, an event probably related to the pathophysiology of a migraine attack
The present review study aimed to address the mechanisms of action of capsaicin and other chemical inducers in mast cell degranulation and an interaction of nerves and events that happen in the dura mater with the activation of mast cells
Conclusion: the analyzed data indicate that the polymorphisms contributed to the susceptibility to Parkinson’s disease (PD), further studies related to the polymorphisms and their relationship to PD are still needed for more ethnic groups, and early diagnosis is possible
Capsaicin is able to induce mast cell degranulation, an event probably related to the pathophysiology of a migraine attack. Methods: A literature review and an observational, descriptive and transversal data collect on treatment for acute demyelinating polyradiculoneuritis, available at DATASUS from January 2008 to December 2020, and articles available at Scielo and PubMed. Results: There were 7,917 hospitalizations, representing a total expenditure of R$ 9,392,552.04, 2009 being the year with the highest number of hospitalizations (809) and 2017 with the highest amount spent during the period (R$ 967,284.65). Methods: A literature review and an observational, descriptive and transversal data collect on surgical treatment was carried out, available from January 2008 to December 2020 and articles available in Scielo, Lilacs and PubMed. Results: There were 15,148 hospitalizations for surgical procedures for the treatment of chronic subdural hematoma, representing a total expenditure of R$ 45,365,258.21, with 2018 being the year with the highest number of hospitalizations (1,418) and with the highest amount spent during the period (R$ 4,570,334.28). Conclusions: The “Coca-Cola Bottle sign” is a classic sign of Graves’ disease, some signs, such as, unilateral and single orbital musculature involvement, may be suggestive of involvement by other etiologies, suggesting the benefit of an early expanded investigation
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