
Testing and application of ‘a system of forces’, effectiveness of training (EoT) and organizational project management performance has been a challenging and demanding approach. The purpose of this study is to engage the Omani Dockyard in enhancement of its organizational learning on knowledge and competencies through the formulation of refit preparations and implementations by amalgamating frameworks/models to underpin ships’ upkeep and repair support preparations (SURSP). The data collection and analysis were administered using survey questionnaires. Pearson correlation, multiple regression and Sobel Mediation Tests and analyses were used to determine and strengthen the frameworks/models. The methodical system of frameworks was used through the employment of ‘a system of forces’ variables, encompassing “force of cooperation” and “force for: efficiency, innovation, direction, proficiency and concentration” as the independent variables (IVs), “EoT” as a mediating variable and the “organizational performance” as a dependent variable. The IVs were positively related to DV. The regression model of organizational performance was significant when regressed against IVs, pending “cooperation and direction”, which did not significantly contribute to organizational performance. Equally, when the ‘regressed coefficients’ were mediated through “EoT”, using the Sobel Mediation Test, they were found to be both directly and indirectly significant. The results were needed to emphasise the importance of amalgamation and contribution of frameworks/models for the naval dockyard’s organizational values through different phases of progressive organizational performance. The results of this study have shown a significant and contributive way forward for the application of organizational learning and progressive frameworks/models to deliver the required SURSP. The results of this study provided some positive breakthroughs and contributions for improvement.

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