
1953 will be remembered as a year of revolutionary change and progress in motion pictures and television. The advent of Cinerama and 3-D in the latter part of 1952 stirred the motion-picture industry into intense activity. The showings of Cinerama continued throughout the year and more theaters were added for its exhibition. 3-D pictures enjoyed considerable popularity for a time and thousands of theaters were equipped for showing them. With the improved methods now under development, 3-D may well establish itself in the future as a stable part of the entertainment industry. Stereophonic sound and sound placement spread from the Cinerama to 3-D and other showings. Theaters by the thousands took on the “New Look” by installing larger screens. Hundreds of Cinema-Scope installations were completed here and many abroad, introducing much wider screens, a new screen shape, anamorphic lens and single-film, 4- track stereophonic sound. Drive-in theaters increased in popularity and number, and the size of their new screens has been markedly increased due to higher reflective screen, materials. The introduction of larger screens necessitated more lighting which led to improved lamphouses, carbons, lenses and screen materials with a higher light gain.

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