
Accidents on oil and gas pipelines, accompanied by fluid leakage, cause economic and environmental damage. The task of the chief mechanics is to prevent accidents and monitor the operation of the equipment. A prerequisite for the timely accidents control in the oil and gas industry and the elimination of their consequences is the prompt determination of the location of leaks and tie-ins. To solve this problem, a large number of methods that differ in sensitivity, external immunity, speed and accuracy of determining the coordinates of leak sites and tie-ins have been developed and applied. Frequency characteristics are used to solve a number of typical problems of research and processing of equipment failure signals. A variant of the implementation of the fast Fourier transform in the C++ programming language and the coding language of the Verilog programmable logic integrated circuit is proposed. When performing the work, Visual Studio software from Microsoft and Quartus from Intel (Altera) are used. A comparison of the results of processing several signals in the above programs is presented. When implemented in a programmable logic integrated circuit, the work is performed at the model level using the built-in intellectual property core (IP function), while in C++ the algorithm is implemented manually, which increases the accuracy of its execution. The practical significance of the work is the study and solution of the simplest tasks in the development of modern electronic devices, including for monitoring the operation of equipment in the oil and gas industry of rapid response, in the Verilog hardware description language and comparison with an alternative model in the programming language. Excerpts of the codes of both programs are presented. The FFT is illustrated (step by step), as well as the signals before and after processing are presented. This work can be used to teach students of higher educational institutions in the field of development, debugging and coding of electronic and radio-electronic devices, as well as in the creation and design of real devices in production. Familiarization and study of this programming language are conducted within the walls of one of the leading engineering universities of the Russian Federation, the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

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