
Tayangan anak merupakan satu dari sekian banyak program yang disuguhkan di layar kaca. Program anak sejatinya ditujukan bagi anak-anak agar mereka mendapatkan nilai-nilai positif bagi perkembangan dirinya. Berdasarkan survei komposisi penonton televisi berdasarkan usia, penonton anak-anak (usia 5 – 14 tahun) di Bandung pada bulan Pebruari hingga Juni 2011 meningkat dari 12,3 % menjadi 15,6%, dimana kenaikan ini cukup signifikan dibandingkan dengan kota-kota besar lain yang disurvei (data AGB Nielsen 2011). Sementara itu dalam Survei Indeks Kualitas Program Siaran Televisi periode II tahun 2017 dilaporkan bahwa Indeks Kualitas Program Anak-anak skornya 2,98 yang merupakan penurunan (skala 4, dengan nilai rujukan minimal KPI adalah 3,00). Berdasarkan paparan tersebut, peneliti merumuskan masalahnya: “Bagaimana Televisi Mewujudkan Program Ramah Anak dalam Program Acaranya”. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi terhadap pengelola TVRI, TVRI Jawa Barat, Bandung TV dan Inovasi TV. Temuan hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Kebijakan pengelola televisi dalam membuat program acara didasari pertimbangan ideal yang mengacu kepada peraturan perundangan (2) Pada tataran implementasi, kebijakan pengelola televisi belum memperlihatkan bentuk ideal, (3) Hambatan pengelola televisi adalah dana dan SDM.Children's shows are one of the many programs that are presented on the screen. The children's program is actually intended for children so that they get positive values for their development. Based on a survey of the composition of television viewers based on age, the audience of children (ages 5-14) in Bandung in February to June 2011 increased from 12.3% to 15.6%, where this increase was quite significant compared to large cities others surveyed (AGB Nielsen 2011 data). Meanwhile in the 2017 period II Television Broadcast Program Quality Index Survey it was reported that the Children Program Quality Index scores 2.98 which is a decrease (scale 4, with a minimum reference value of KPI is 3.00). Based on these exposures, the researcher formulated the problem in, What is the Contribution of Television in Realizing Child Friendly Programs . This study uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. The data collection technique is done by interviewing and observing the managers of TVRI, West Java TVRI, Bandung TV and TV Innovation. The findings of the research show that (1) the television management policy in making the program is based on ideal considerations that refer to laws , (2) At the implementation level, local television management policies have not shown an ideal form , (3) Barriers to television management are funds and Human Resources.

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